Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Jellyfish Food Chain

This is the work I have done during reading time. It is about the Jelly Fish Food Chain. What jellyfish eat and what eat Jellyfish.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

A-Z Sea creatures

A- Angler Fish B- Bull Shark C- Coffinfish D- Dragon Fish E- Electric Eel F- Fangtooth G- Giant Squid H- Hammerhead Shark I- Isopod J- Jawfish K- Killer Whale L- Long-Nosed Chimaera M- Manatees N- Neon blue guppy O- Octopus P- Pelican Eel Q- Queen Triggerfish R- Reef Shark S- Sea horse T- Tiger Shark U- Urchin (Sea Urchin) V- Vampire Squid W- Whale X- Xanthareel (Eel) Y- Yellow eye rockfish Z- Zooplankton This is my work about sea creatures from A to Z.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Cook Strait Kate

In reading time my whole class Room 7 we read a story about Kate John who was the youngest to cook strait when she was 14 years old.

Friday, 5 September 2014


This Google drawing is about suffixes which is like prefixes but it is at the end of the word like ing-dancing